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Happy International Women's Day

Foto do escritor: Benedita Sampaio NunesBenedita Sampaio Nunes

Atualizado: 28 de mai. de 2024

Cross Legal is a Women's lead business. As such, it joins the celebrations of International Women's Day and the legacy of all women who advocated for women's rights and that make the world a fairer place.

History bursts with important events that have made the world a better place. Women have always played essential roles in the movements for voting rights, civil rights, LGBTQ+ rights, labor rights, children's rights, and much more. They’ve also accomplished great things in every field, including medicine, science, literature, and politics. International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to recognize all these successes.

While International Women’s Day celebrates how far women’s rights and gender equality have come, it’s also important to recognize what still needs to be done.

According to the United Nations, women make up 70% of the world’s 1.3 billion people in poverty. Of those displaced by climate-related disasters, 80% are women and girls. The pandemic worsened things for women and girls, as well. Studies found that women experienced worse social and economic consequences than men. It will take a concentrated effort to reverse the effects.

It is important to highlight these data when celebrating this day. Much is yet to be done for full gender parity.

Let's keep working to pave the way for a new generation of Women.


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